It’s been widely disseminated by now amongst conspiracy/ritual decoder-ring-havers that when Donald Trump took office on 1/20/2017 he was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old, thus invoking the 777 of a slot machine’s jackpot, or of Aleister Crowley’s book on qabalistic correspondences, or any other occult metaphor you like. It’s the preponderance of facts like this that have led some to conclude that Donald Trump is the literal Antichrist hiding in plain sight. Whether Antichrist or no, Trump does seem to be a major strange attractor for these swarms of Fortean number facts—but here’s the rub: he’s far from the only one among us who is. These synchronicities don’t start or stop with Trump, but extend across the world’s stage, encompassing everyone, to varying degrees.
This stroll through the maze will be brief, and center on an aspect of the life of Trump’s counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin, that then opens up into a new look at the timing of the most infamous “terrorist” event in the USA since 9/11/2001, the Boston Bombings.
I say counterpart and I mean that: Putin and Trump, East and West, twin flames of the Nationalist Strongman archetype, the Democrats’ two most hated people on Earth—secret friends, or public rivals?—were born 2307 days apart, Putin on the 7th of October 1952 and Trump on the 7+7th of June 1946. The much ballyhooed first public meeting between them took place on 7/7/2017, a day on which Putin was exactly 777 months old (and Trump 2307 days older than that).
I reported in a tweet in March 2017 (well in advance of July!) Putin’s upcoming synchronistically aligned age on 7/7/2017—I did not know at the time that it would turn out to be the day Trump and Putin would have their first public summit. I was looking at that day due to the advertising for Spiderman: Homecoming that put a spotlight on its release date—7/7/17—because on the day of that release, the same day Putin would be 777 months old, Spiderman actor Tom Stanley Holland would be exactly 7707 days old!
It was an impressive web of coincidence then and it remains so even today. But it was only the start of something, not an ending.
What’s this all about, anyway? Why are we going to the pains of charting these dates and ages? Simply put, here at Crypto-K we are tracking a nonlinear signal in the noise of everyday linear existence and its media, and we have a series of five numbers we use (like digits on a magical hand) to do so. Mythopoetically they have come to be known as THE FIVE SEALS of CRYPTO-K—42, 153, 237, 666, and 1776—and they are fine-tuned like a microscope for illuminating previously unseen strands of historical synchronistic convergence.
These 777s embedded in the ages of Trump and Putin (and Tom Stanley Holland) fall under the rubric of the Fifth Seal, 1776—1+6 = 7, so as the title implies 1776 and 777 are equivalent numerologically. This association puts the ‘birth’ of the United States on 7/4/1776 squarely in the context of the 777 jackpot (“Hell-ooooo”), or Crowley’s 777, itself concerned with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (to which the Founders were no strangers) and the so-called Lightning Flash of Creation. As the sum of the paths ‘from Keter to Malkuth’ 777 represents the unimpeded flow of pure spirit through the Tree. “777 represents spiritual consciousness in a physical human being: the incarnation of spirit” (Pandragon).
Were the Founders aware that the day they chose to declare Independence—7/4/1776—when written out like that perfectly mirrors certain temporal ratios, namely that 74 days = 1776 hours? A most special day for a Declaration. Have any scholars of US history ever bothered to comment on this? Was it intention (ie, ritual) on their part or mere synchronicity that made it so? Similarly, when Trump invoked these men and their 7/4/1776 Declaration on the day he ascended to the Presidency on a 777 alignment in his own life, did he realize that it was also the 74th day (1776 hours) since his Election began on 11/8? Likely not, but impossible to say for sure.
The first votes for Trump in the 2016 election were cast on 11/8 but the process stretched into the morning of 11/9. Question: what is 118 + 119? It’s 237, the Third Seal. If the Seals were chess pieces, 237 would be the Queen, going everywhere and doing everything—just remember who finds Jack Torrance in Room 237 of the Overlook Hotel in The Shining! Also recall the date on the picture that ends the film: 7/4/1921, the anniversary of Independence. What else is 74 but 2 x 37? Notably, Kubrick himself would die in 1999 on 3/7, a date which would be ‘one-half’ of 7/4. Jack finds himself incarnated as spirit in an eternal recurrence of Bacchanalian celebration of the spirit of the Founders’ idealism incarnated into a Country—a system of laws and contracts existing mainly on paper (much like Jack also exists on paper at the film’s end). Donald Trump, in the eyes of his followers at least, similarly represents an incarnation of spirit (1776/777), except this time into a “physical human being,” signaled by his age at Inauguration.
Look at the way ‘Nemo Pandragon’ of cites the Book of the Law (or Book 220) in this paragraph about the meaning of 777:
Do you see what I see? The penultimate verse of the Book of the Law is cited as 220,3:74 — I see 2037 / 74 — which also reads as 2-3-74, Philip K Dick’s code for the experiences he underwent in February and March of 1974, the numbers which grace the spine of his massive Exegesis — and Crowley’s comment on this verse points to the meaning of 777! Recall that Dick wrote a novel called The Penultimate Truth. If anyone in recent history was struck by the noetic lightning of 777/1776, it was PKD. Here in this little sync, Dick’s magical record merges with Crowley’s, via the synchronistic glue of 237.
Another salient example of overlap between 777 and 1776 appears when examining a crucial day in the life of both Trump and Putin: 11/3/2020, the day Trump was un-elected. In another spooky example of these things aligning just right, on this day, Putin was exactly 3552, or 1776 + 1776 weeks old.
Immediately the opportunity for a Putin-parent-thesis presents itself. What happened when Putin was 1776 weeks old, or 1776 weeks before the “stolen” 2020 election?
Since 1776 weeks equates to 34 (7) years plus 7 + 7 days, the mid-point comes to 10/21/1986.
The first thing to note about 10/21/1986 is not what happened on that day but when that day happened, because when you measure this date against the most famous date in modern history—9/11/2001—you get a shocking result: 777 weeks, exactly. That’s right, yes, the day Vladimir Putin was exactly 1776 weeks old, was exactly 777 weeks before 9/11/2001.
Or put another way, on 9/11/2001, Putin was 777 + 1776 weeks old! Not even Mr. Trump, who has temporal oddities coming off him like tanner in orange sprays and wakes, can boast a calendar connection to the day of Mega-Ritual like what we see with Mr. Putin here. That’s interesting.
That’s not all that’s special about the mid-point between Putin’s birth and the 2020 Election, though. A cursory google search reveals that 10/21/1986 was the birthday of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two Chechen brothers who were set up by the FBI and Homeland Security totally by themselves perpetrated the Boston Bombings of 2013. This means one-half of the patsies perpetrators of the biggest false-flag terrorist event on US soil since 9/11/2001 was born exactly 777 weeks before 9/11/2001!
Who comes up with this stuff? It gets even better when you dig further into the details of the event. We arrived here by first noting a symbolic overlap between 777 and 1776, marking a correspondence between the birth of the USA on 7/4/1776 with the 777 energies of the so-called Lightning Flash of Creation, a concept based in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a subject in which the mystery-schooled Founding Fathers were well-versed. In applying these figures to the life of Vladimir Putin we stumbled on the birth of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the lead Boston Bomber, whose bomb plot took place on 4/15/2013. This date should be recognizable to any student of US history as the anniversary of the Abraham Lincoln assassination (also of the sinking of the Titanic), but as always the details matter.
The Boston Bombings occurred on precisely the 148th anniversary of Lincoln’s death. This matters because 148 = 74 + 74, and even more because 74 + 74 years contain exactly 1776 months!
So the Boston Bombings were carried out by Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was
born 777 weeks before 9/11/2001
born 1776 weeks into the life of Vladimir Putin
born 1776 weeks before the 2020 Election
and they happened 1776 months to the day after the Lincoln assassination.
Further connecting the 2013 Boston Bombings with 1776 is the fact that 2013 - 1776 = 237. In other words, when you remove the Fifth Seal from 2013 you get the Third Seal. In still other words, the Boston Bombings occurred a little over two months before the USA’s 237th birthday. But what did we say already about details?
The detail here is that the 2013 Boston Bombings occurred exactly 9 months, 11 days into the 237th year since 7/4/1776.
Was that an accident? This in addition to Tamerlan’s birth 1776 weeks into the life of Putin and 777 weeks before 9/11/2001—maybe not an accident per se, but if you think those two kids were aware of any of this on the day in question, think again. Probably no one was. Probably.
It took a few days for the Feds to catch up with Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and after a Mann-esque shootout in the early hours of 4/19/2013, the younger brother was taken into custody after mistakenly running Tamerlan over with a car during the stand-off, causing his death. All of this had waited until just after midnight on 4/19 to “undergo the formality of actually occurring” 77 days before the USA’s 237th birthday, on another important US anniversary—238 years after the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” that began the Revolutionary War, as well as 18 (6+6+6) years after the Oklahoma City bombing.
So concluded the life of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, presenting us with another opportunity to draw a parent-thesis. But not of his lifespan (yet). We know the event bears significant relation to the birthday of the USA already, so let’s just see: first we place on one side 7/4/1776, and on the other side the death of Tamerlan (and apprehension of Dzhokhar) Tsarnaev on 4/19/2013: where do they meet in the middle?
The mid-point here comes to 11/26/1894. The further back into the past we go, the less information becomes available about any given date, which can make our investigations difficult, but in this case we need not look any further than the most basic search results to discover that on this date occurred the wedding of doomed Russian Tsar Nicholas II to Alexandra Feodorovna.
So the mid-point between 7/4/1776 and the Boston Bombings (done by the Tsarnaev brothers) was the wedding-date of Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra, the last emperor and empress of Russia who were murdered along with their whole family in their palace by the Bolsheviks as the country underwent a Revolution. Surprisingly little information exists on the name ‘Tsarnaev’ aside from a user-submitted entry on BehindtheName that calls the Chechen surname ‘rare’: “Meaning uncertain, possibly from Chechen царна (tsarna) meaning "them, they" or from an unknown given name or nickname. This is the surname of brothers … Tsarnaev, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing.” Never is a connection drawn between the name ‘Tsarnaev’ and the word ‘Tsar,’ as in the Tsar who married his wife at the mid-point between 7/4/1776 and Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s death. Is it all coincidence, or is it a result of the magic of the op? Ie, the name-game, or even what James Shelby Downard called “Masonic sorcery”—the attacks on the Tsarnaevs could be seen as symbolic attacks (or reinforcements of a long-standing siege) against the spirit of Old Russia—or it could be called beating a dead horse (or more than one) with their magical staff called Timing.
The last step on the Boston Bombing timeline came on 4/22/2013, when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was formally charged for his role in the bombings (and in the shooting deaths of police officers, etc). Up to this point we have not examined the birthday of the younger brother, referred to in the media as ‘Joker,’ but now we have a good opportunity to do so.
Dzhokhar ‘Joker’ Tsarnaev was born 7/22/1993. He was first charged with crimes relating to the Boston Bombing on 4/22/2013. The 22s mean it’s an even number of months.
Do you want to guess how many months old ‘Joker’ Tsarnaev was on the day he was charged?
I’ll give you a second.
It’s 237 - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was exactly 237 months old (aka 19 years, 9 months) the day he was Mirandized and charged for among other things use of a WMD.
This means that the Boston bombings and the hideout and police hunt and shoot-out and death of his brother Tamerlan all took place in the final week of the 237th month of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s life.
Additionally, the day Dzhokhar was charged at 237 months old was 74 days (1776 hours)—aka 2 x 37 days—before the USA’s 237th birthday.
237: what can’t it do?
To recap:
Trump and Putin were born 2307 days apart.
Trump was 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old the day of his Inauguration.
Putin was 777 months old on 7/7/17, the day he first met with Trump in public.
7/4/1776 encodes the temporal ratio 74 days = 1776 hours—and 74 = 2 x 37.
The number 777 and the Fifth Seal of Crypto-K 1776 are both expressive of the same energies—pure spirit incarnate in physical form according to the kabbalists.
The day Putin was 1776 weeks old was 777 weeks before 9/11/2001—Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Boston Bomber, was born on that day.
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boston Bomb Plot occurred 74 + 74 years / 1776 months since the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and 9 months, 11 days into the 237th year since 7/4/1776.
Dzhokhar ‘Joker’ Tsarnaev was exactly 237 months old the day he was formally charged for his crimes, 74 days = 1776 hours or 2 x 37 days before the USA’s 237th birthday.
There’s one pathway mentioned but left unexplored that will take us to the end of this explosive jaunt through one section of the Maze: the mid-life day of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Tamerlan’s death on 4/19/2013 concluded his life at the age of 9677 days. Exactly half of that life elapsed at some point on 1/19/2000, the 19th day of the new millennium. Notably, 1/19 is the 237th day before 9/11 in any leap year.
Research into the contents of 1/19/2000 lead me to an episode of Star Trek: Voyager which aired that evening: season 6, episode 12, “Blink of an Eye.” The plot of this episode seems uniquely suited to everything presented here so far: Voyager stumbles upon a strangely rotating planet and becomes trapped in orbit around it. The planet has a different relationship with time than the rest of the galaxy due to its tachyon core (or something), such that minutes on Voyager pass over decades on the planet below them. Their conspicuous, frozen god-like presence in the sky influences the course of the planet’s mythological and technological development, up to the point that astronauts are sent up in rocket-powered ships to investigate. From there the planet’s inhabitants must be convinced to help Voyager out of its locked orbit and back to its usual activities, and in so doing move away as a species from the myths of the no-longer mystified “Sky Ship.” What a plotline!
How does this episode relate to what we’re doing here? Both involve a temporal bird’s-eye-view of a civilization in the process of cultural refinement—the crew of Voyager watches the rapidly progressing planet almost the way Crypto-K uses the internet to cross-reference historical events stretching across centuries. Both involve an apparent problem with the unfoldment of time that presents as a riddle to be solved—and the solving of it represents a quantum leap forward for the species. Two astronauts are sent on a rocket-powered mission to understand the Sky Ship—depicted as a clear analogue to our own Moon landing. Only one survives the temporal transition. The actor who plays the (surviving) astronaut would go on to play Jin on LOST, a show about a set of omnipotent numbers, and time-travel (among other things)—but he first presented as a “time-traveller” here on Voyager. There’s also the fact that Voyager takes place in time across the 2370s, so season 6’s “Blink of an Eye” takes place in the year 2376.
The relationship between the planet’s people and the ‘Sky Ship’ seems to mirror humanity’s relationship with the Moon. Both are large mysterious local solar system anomalies with tidal effects on the planet below them, and though Earth consensus agrees that the Moon is a barren rock and not a spaceship, you don’t have to look far to find alternative ideas of just the sort presented in “Blink of an Eye” about our own Moon—no further than our earliest religious texts. Perhaps the writers of this episode see humanity as in the same position as the species here—trapped (even imprisoned) within our planet’s local temporal orientation, while all sorts of other business gets transacted in a register we can’t even see. One scene clearly shows a member of this alien species on their planet writing on paper… in English. I have to wonder if that was more a hint than a continuity goof.
At one point the Doctor (who is a hologram) is sent down to the planet to live among the alien species and learn about their culture. He lives an entire life in what passes as only seconds to the Voyager crew. Are there any such ‘Doctors’ living slowly amongst us here today, tethered to their base in the sky, subtly influencing human development in their preferred direction? How would we know if there were? Maybe they would have some other kind of relationship to time…
"How does this sound? 'The Weird Planet Where Time Moved Very Fast and So Did the People Who Lived There,' by Naomi Wildman…"
"Your title is verbose. I suggest you try to condense it."
"The Weird Planet."
"Better, but it lacks precision. 'The Weird Planet Displaced in Time.'"
"Perfect!" - Seven of Nine, ST:V 6x12
I’m not asking for you to believe anything. I hardly know what to believe myself. These are all just stubborn facts, and there’s more where that came from. Myself and Shawn Montgomery (shawnfella on Youtube) have been engaged in the process of charting these and other facts—mapping the territory where the rubber of synchronicity meets the road of history—for the past decade, and it’s about time to start showing the world what we’ve found.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this initial experiment in textual Crypto-K. Subscribe (free for now) if you want to be up to date with the latest on the science behind coincidence, and the secret life of Stanley Kubrick.
I just came here from your interview with Paranoid American..... Your work is amazing.
My mind is blown. Bravo!